Reaching Out
To Illinois Judges Lawyers Law Students
On Their Path To Wellness.
LAP does not provide legal advice or services and will not respond to requests for legal representation.


Counseling · Peer Support · Education · Interventions

A not-for-profit dedicated to helping Illinois judges, lawyers, & law students.

To help judges, lawyers and law students get assistance with substance use, addiction and mental health problems.

Upcoming Events

LAP Weekly Group Meetings

Lawyers and law students will find group meetings to be a place to come together for organic clinically-led conversation and support.

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LAP Virtual CLEs

Available 24/7 clinical topics from LAP’s expert clinical staff for your Mental Health CLE credits and personal development. 

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making News

LAP in the Press

Fresh announcements, events and more for the legal community.

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Everything you need to succeed in our everchanging legal landscape from meditation tracks to wellness tools.

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Coming to you


Nationally acclaimed expert clinical speakers coming to your firm, office or chambers. 

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Our Mission

Free & Confidential Help

Real Problems. Real Help. Real Experts.™


LAP Resources for the Pandemic & Beyond

The pandemic took our legal community by storm, and will certainly make us stronger moving forward – you do not need to go it alone. 

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Always here for you

Who We Are

& What We Do

Lawyers’ Assistance Program is a not-for-profit organization that helps Illinois judges, lawyers, law students, and their families concerned about alcohol use, drug dependency, or stress related issues like anxiety, burnout, depression, and many others. Our services include Expert Mental Health and Substance Use Assessments, Referrals to Specialized Treatment, Individual Consultations, Ongoing Support Groups for Men, Women, and Law Students, Interventions, Wellbeing Techniques & other needed services

Who We Are Video Screenshot Lg

Lawyers Helping Lawyers

Confidentiality is guaranteed.

Illinois Supreme Court Rule 1.6(d) mandates confidentiality for all information received by LAP volunteers and trained interveners during interventions and related meetings. Both the volunteer and client are assured that anything disclosed is specifically protected by the attorney client privilege. The only exception relates to a client signing a release of information asking LAP to report on his or her behalf to another organization or individual. Additionally, the Interveners and Reporter Immunity Law guarantees immunity for LAP Volunteers and those who participate in its work.

Mental Health & Substance Use Evaluations, Referrals & Supportive Services

Illinois LAP helps judges, lawyers and law students with mental disorders. This can be anything from anxiety, or drug and alcohol use problems, to stress, depression, and other issues.

If you’re suffering from any of these disorders, don’t hesitate to contact Illinois LAP today. We offer many different mental health services that are sure to help you in your time of need.

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