Copyright Notice
All material used in any presentation given by The Lawyers” Assistance Program (“content”), its staff, agents, or assigns, is the copyrighted property of The Lawyers’ Assistance Program. You may not copy, reproduce, record, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit such content, sell or offer it for sale, or use such content, in whole or in part, to construct any sort of publication, presentation, or audio or video recording. You may not alter or remove any copyright or other notice from copies of the content. Using the content in any manner as listed above is expressly prohibited without prior written permission of the Lawyers’ Assistance Program.
The Lawyers’ Assistance Program provides speakers for judges, law firms, bar associations, law schools, and other organizations.
All LAP CLEs meet the criteria, unless noted, for the new Illinois Continuing Legal Education Mental Health and Professional Responsibility credit requirement.
You can choose from any of the in-person training options listed below. If you are looking for a specific presentation not on our menu, LAP can tailor its presentations to fit your organization’s needs or increase CLE length and credits. If requesting a customized presentation, we ask that you take into consideration the time required to develop the specialized training when reflecting on your donation.
As we are a not-for-profit, travel reimbursement is required. Donations are highly encouraged to support our mission; information will be provided for LAP’s Donor Recognition Program or individual presentation donations. All donations are tax-deductible.
LAP strives to serve the legal community in every way possible, met with increasing demand for presentation services, scheduling priority is given to donors and ensuring we are meeting the needs under our mission throughout the entire state.

1. Resiliency in the Age of COVID19 (1 Credit Hour)
2. Fear No Evil: COVID19 Driven Anxiety (1 Credit Hour)
3. Recognizing Impairment Issues During COVID19 (1 Credit Hour)
4. Health, Wellness, and Self-Care in the Post-Pandemic (1 Credit Hour)
1. The Mindful Attorney (1 Credit Hour)
2. The Jaded Judge (1 Credit Hour)
3. The Jaded Lawyer: Compassion Fatigue & Burnout (1 Credit Hour)
4. Your Best Thinking in the Worst Situations: Improving Decision Making Under Stress (1.5 Credit Hours)
5. Recognizing, Understanding, and Referring a Colleague in Need (1 Credit Hour)
6. Legal Competency (1 Credit Hour)
7. Impairment Proofing Your Firm: A Balancing Act: Supporting Lawyers While Protecting the Firm (1 Credit Hour)
8. Civility: Difficult People & Conversations in the Workplace (1 Credit Hour)
9. Compassion Fatigue: Sustaining the Professional Self (1 Credit Hour)
10. How to Create Work-Life Balance (1 Credit Hour)
11. The Path to a Successful and Satisfying Law Career (1 Credit Hour)
12. The Opioid Epidemic: Should the Legal Community be Concerned (1 Credit Hour)
13. The Mindful Law School Leader (No Credit)
14. The Future Lawyer, Increasing Well-being in the Profession (No Credit)
15. Maladaptive Perfectionism (1 Credit Hour)
16. How to Become a Resilient Lawyer (1 Credit Hour)
17. Stress in the Workplace: The Impact it has on Our Thinking (1 Credit Hour)
18. Imposter Syndrome (1 Credit Hour)
19. Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue: Why the Work We Do Impacts Us (1 Credit Hour)
20. Breaking the Cycle: Managing Imposter Syndrome and Perfectionism (1 Credit Hour)
21. The Three C’s of Lawyering: Community, Collaboration, and Communication (1 Credit Hour)
Requests for Presentations

Mental Health & Substance Use Evaluations, Referrals & Supportive Services
Illinois LAP helps lawyers, judges and other legal professionals with mental disorders. This can be anything from anxiety, or drug and alcohol use problems, to stress, depression, and other issues.
If you’re suffering from any of these disorders, don’t hesitate to contact Illinois LAP today. We offer many different mental health services that are sure to help you in your time of need.